Monday, November 13, 2006

Random Things from our weekend...

Jackson feeding himself while I work with J.T.
Rachael giving Jackson a Kiss before leaving for Preference

Rachael in her Preference Dress. She and her friends decided it would be fun to get 80's style dresses for this very formal occassion. Preference it basically a girls choice most of the time people go all out. It sounded like she had a lot of fun...dinner at P.F. Changs, Dance at the SLC Library, and Fondue at a friends house afterward.
Jackson sleeping...yea!


Amy said...

Jackson looks adorable sleeping! I love little baby eyelids! Oh ya...awesome dress Rachael!

Elizabeth said...

Rachael- I love your dress!!

Liz said...

rachael-what a hottie!!i can't believe how old jackson is getting. he is so cute. i love those blankets he;s sleeping with--very cute