Monday, January 08, 2007


Jackson is feeling better and has some funny faces to show you.

...Okay so I am not so sure about what happened with this post, it was viewable for a few days and then stopped working. Then I just tried to re-upload the images, but it isn't working. Not exactly sure why, but I apologize and will just keep posting new pictures. Sorry about this strange post.


Liz said...

Michelle, so glad he's feeling better now. What a cute kid you have!

Amy said...

How cute! Tyler really misses Jackson...he also keeps asking to play "hide monkey" with Marc!

erin said...

I don't know why, but I can't see the pictures! What format are they in?

Amy said...

Tyler started piling blocks on me today and told me he was playing "hide mom".

Cortney said...

I love getting your comments on my blog! And I'm glad that you were able to see the videos. I think we will be updating them soon with some video from Christmas too! You do such a good job at keeping new pictures and entries on your blog. I'm so glad you share your fun little family with all of us. I am going to be down in Utah at the end of Feb. or beginning of March when my sister has her baby. I would love to see you and Marc and little Jackson when we come!