Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Growing Up...

Jackson is getting bigger and bigger! It is so much fun. He is sitting up by himself, laughing at things he thinks are funny, and starting to eat solid foods! It is so much fun. Before I was a parent I have to say that Inever would've given a second thought to a mom or dad saying these things about their child. I would've never known what a big deal each milestone is and how excited the parents were for them. It is funny how your perspective changes as you become a parent yourself. On Sunday when Marc was playing with him....Marc would take a toy and dance it around and then make it tip over and fall on the floor. Jackson thought this was great! He began giggling and giggling. It is funny how he is getting a personality and how certain things really crack him up.

Well, one final piece to this blog entry...I am starting Jackson on solid foods. He had been on rice cereal since he was 4 1/2 months old and eating that twice daily for about the last month. I just want advice on what foods to give first and how much to give at a time? Should I keep giving rice cereal along with other Solids? Also do I need to be giving Juice too? And do I keep the number of bottles I am giving him the same? Lots of questions for anyone out there with advice. I am going to the pediatrician in a few days, but I was just hoping for a heads up on some things or for good questions I should be asking him. Thanks!

Rach and Jackson playing a game on the computer


Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle! Congrats to Jackson on starting solids! That's awesome! I always keep giving my babies cereal for a long time. Clayton has rice cereal (sometimes mixed with fruit) for breakfast, some kind of vegetable for lunch, and a vegetable or 'entree' thing for dinner. Jackson isn't probably ready for solid food 3 times a day, but if he's taking it really well you can go to two, then later three. And he'll still take the same number of bottles, but I normally give solid food first, then milk. But he still needs lots of milk too. Have fun cleaning up all the messes!!

Amy said...

Through my own research most websites tell you to start with the fruits and vegetables. As for bottles, I've also read they should continue to consume the same amount of formula in a day. The solids are to compliment the liquid. To make sure they are drinking enough formula, I've read that you should offer the bottle first, then wait an hour or so before feeding solids. I did things differently with Tyler, so this is a new plan of action for me.

You'll have to let me know what the pediatrician has to say. Also, I'm curious how big Jackson has gotten! I just took Susie into the doctor yesterday and she was a whopping 16 1/2 pounds (with clothes on).

Oh ya...Tyler ate rice cereal until he turned 1!