Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Nine Months Old

I took Jackson to his nine month check up today. His lastest stats:
28 inches long: 50th percentile (length)
18 lbs. 9 oz: 25th percentile (weight)
45 1/2 cm: 50th percentile (head circumference)

Here is a video of him "talking"


Liz said...

he is adorable, mich! i can't believe how big he is getting. i'm excited to see him this summer! what a cutie, jackson!

erin said...

I love his "talking." So cute! Can you believe how fast they grow? I have my newborn nephew living with us and it's hard to remember Bri was that small just 8 months ago!

Amy said...

He's almost crawling! How fun! Susie and Jackson must be exactly the same size (except she is shorter). Last week she weighed just one ounce less than Jackson! We love the videos--Tyler always likes watching Jackson on the computer!

Lindsay said...

Wow! I can't believe that Jackson is nine months already! Can you believe that Emerson won him over in weight at 4 months! He's a chunk...what can I say?!!