Sunday, May 20, 2007

AADSAS is officially back in

...anyone who has ever applied to Dental School (or probably any kind of graduate school can attest to what a process this really is). As of midnight last night our AADSAS application was sent in. We are excited to have it in and anxious to start hearing back. It takes 4-6 weeks for AADSAS, the clearing house for dental school applications, to process your application and send it out to schools. We've opened our dental school application up to various schools from coast to coast. We are still wait listed at two schools for this coming fall, but we can't really bank on just getting into one of those schools and thus are sending out our next round of applications. Keep your Fingers Crossed for this next go around! :)


Amy said...

Good luck you guys!!! Ughhhh what a process. It's such a pain that you have to apply right now even though there is a chance you could get in one of the schools for the fall! Good luck!!

Liz said...

good luck guys! what a pain to have to go through all of this! i know exactly what it's like to wait to hear back! our fingers are crossed!

Hannah said...

Good luck!!!! We have been through the application process for dental school! What a pain!

Cortney said...

Michelle--I love all your blogs! I have fallen off the blogging wagon and am jumping back on with the inspiration from your great example! I love reading about you and your little family and seeing all the pictures. You are awesome! Good luck with the application process this time. And keep up the great posts!

Anonymous said...

By the way--solnichka maya is Russian for "My Sunshine." It's just something Jason taught me. So now you can know the posts with the funny name are from Cortney.

Anonymous said...

Marc, I submitted AADSAS about twenty four hours after you did. Don't you love the anxiety? Good luck.
Rich Nehring

Lindsey said...

Good luck!! We are right there with you.We just submitted Rich's application last week as well. So we are in the waiting boat now too!