Monday, July 09, 2007

July 9th, 2007

Today actually being Jackson's birthday I thought I would sit down and write a little bit about him. It has been so fun to have this little addition to our family the last year! He is such a joy and such a pill at the same time. Sometimes I wish he would stay little and other times I find myself wishing he would grow faster so that some of the terrible behaviors will disappear. :) But all in all, we sure do love him!
15 things to know about Jackson right now...

1. He is good at letting us know what he wants! :) He has the most high pitch scream I've ever heard. And he lets it out at the most inopportune moments.

2. He loves Stuffed is so cute to watch him squeeze them tight and bury his face in them. He gets some of his biggest smiles when he is playing with a stuffed animal.

3. He loves any of my jewelry...but to keep him away from some of it, I bought a cheap necklace for him that I keep in my diaper bag...(don't tell Marc I bought Jackson a necklace). :)

4. Cell Phones...but somehow he knows if they really work or not, and he won't play with old phones that don't actually turn on.

5. He loves to walk...but not by himself and if we try to let go he sits down immediately!

6. Riding in the stroller...we go on walks all the time to pass away some of the "awake time"

7. He is already throwing tantrums and we aren't even close to the terrible two's! If we take something dangerous or otherwise "not allowed" out of his hands he screams and throws himself backwards. Which usually leads to bonked heads and more screaming (beautiful isn't is?).

8. He loves to Dance. I am going to have to get a clip of this, because he doesn't just rock forward and is all in his hips and stomach. It cracks everyone up! As soon as he hears music he is dancing.

9. He is really good at coming when I call him and following me from room to room...with his lightening speed crawl. He especially loves to crawl up the stairs!

10. He loves to drop his food "overboard", when he thinks he's has enough or one thing. He just picks it up off his tray and drops it to the floor.

11. He loves to swim! He is a fish...great at blowing bubbles, kicking his feet and of course great at splashing! :)

12. He thinks he is hilarious and loves to get us to laugh. He will make the same cheesy smile or funny noise to get us to laugh.

13. He loves to control doors...he will open and close them forever. He likes to watch them move or something.

14. If he hears a noise that sounds like heavy breathing through the nose...he starts breathing really heavy through his nose.

15. He blows his nose (not to be too graphic)...into his hands. Clean nose...gross hands, we have to be quick and catch his hands before they catch something else in their dirty path.


Cortney said...

This is so fun! I love reading about Jackson--I think he and Sophia would be great friends! The dancing and fit throwing is even better when it's done side by side with another little one! Such fun to be mommies--and I totally, TOTALLY, understand the torn feelings of wanting him to stay little forever and grow up in a day all at the same time. :) Great blogging!

Alyssa said...

wow, I can't believe he's one already! Also, although you say the cake is is still work, but it does make me want to make one...where do you even get fondant??? Doesn't it taste nasty?

Alyssa said...

wow, I can't believe he's one already! Also, although you say the cake is is still work, but it does make me want to make one...where do you even get fondant??? Doesn't it taste nasty?

Katie and Eric said...

Happy Birthday Jackson! What a cutie. He sounds like a very normal 1 year old. Can you believe how fast the year has gone by. I always am shocked when the 1st b-day comes. Good luck with everything. I love reading your blog!