Monday, December 03, 2007

Random Jackson Moments
(warning: lots of pictures and lots of random information that you might not care to know...)

By far this is one of Jackson's most favorite activities. He loves "helping" unload and load the dishwasher. A few weeks ago, we were all watching him as he banged on a bowl with a spoon, when suddenly he brought the spoon in for another whack and cracked the bowl in two. Other than that, we are pretty accident free with our dishwasher playtime. He will often reorganize all the plates as they are put in etc. It's really funny to watch him.

This past Saturday it snowed! Jackson woke up at 3:00 am that morning and thought he was done sleeping (he hasn't done this for about a year). We spent the wee hours of the morning watching the cars and looking out the window to see how much snow was coming down. By the time it was ACTUALLY morning, he was a little cranking and I wasn't sure he would love the snow. He was a little nervous to step on it, but enjoyed touching it with his mittens and being outside with the snow around him.

Mister Blue Tongue, what more can I say?! I gave him an air head and this is what happened. He thought it was hilarious to look in the mirror and see his blue mouth.

Watching T.V. I get him all ready every morning and then while I get ready he sits and watches T.V. He just looked so slouchy and "comfy" here. Whenever we put Jackson on the couch and say get "comfy" he rocks his torso side to side and front to back until he sinks his body down into the couch and gets comfortable. It is really cute to watch.
Last week I was trying to get dinner made, so Jackson was pulling out all of the toys from the game room out into the kitchen, so he could be near me, while playing. I eventually moved all the toys just out of the kitchen and he helped me line them up against the wall. I thought he would go back to playing, but I looked up to find him just sitting in the middle of the toys. He sat and sat and sat here. It cracked me up.

Setting up the Train was definitely s highlight. Jackson has loved watching this train go round and round. Jackson helped Grandpa put the train together and Ryan showed Jackson how to get the train moving.

In the picture below I asked Jackson to show me where the train was. He came running over by the tree and did cracked me up.

After a nap the other day, I could tell he was still a little tired, so I set him in a chair and he just leaned over the edge and watched the train go around. He sat there for about 10 minutes. WOW! :)


Anonymous said...

Sophia loves to help with the dishwasher too! Her favorite part is the spoons--she pulls them in and out and gets on a stool to put them in the drawer. We are going to do our Christmas tree soon...I can't wait! Love the pictures!

Alisa said...

ha ha....oh my gosh!! that picture of jackson showing you the train is so funny!! what a cute character!

melimba said...

i haven't checked out your blog (or anyone's really) in a while! LOVE the pics of jackson! :) ok, he is too cute. I love the pose he struck when presenting the train to you! ha! frame that one, it is HILARIOUS! :)