Happy Three Months Stella
January 17, 2012
This little girl has stolen our hearts. We really love her.
Stella is very happy. She really only cries when hungry or tired and if I catch the signs quick enough she doesn't even cry then.
Loves to lay on a blanket in the middle of the carpet somewhere. She will kick and coo and entertain herself for a really long time sometimes 30-45 minutes and then occasionally she will just settle down and quietly fall asleep. (Did I mention what a good baby she is?!)
Stella is soooo close to laughing.
She loves to be messaged on her legs and feet, she gets so calm and happy.
The boys love making Stella smile.
Stella makes the cutest coo's and has just started to learn how to pull out her big lip for a sad face. The boys instantly want to fix any problem when she makes this face and so it doesn't usually reach a cry.
Stella Does NOT spit up, not even a little bit. I think I have pulled out a burp cloth once or twice (since she was born), but that's all.
Still loving her pacifier.
Stella LOVEs her baths. She kicks and coo's and is so happy, unfortunately, since she is the third child, bath time is usually rushed and she doesn't get to enjoy it for long.
12 lbs. 6 oz.
24 1/2 inches long
1 comment:
Oh she is just too cute! With as busy as you guys are, it's a good thing she's so content and goes with the flow. I love her cute little smiles!
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