Happy Two Months Stella!
December 17, 2011
I can't believe Stella is already two months! She is such a cutie and has already found herself a few choice nicknames after only two months...
(Marc's nickname of choice...not sure where it came from)
Stella Nae Nae
Stella Manila
Coconut Pants
(For some reason Coconut is the word of choice with the boys right now and they like to throw it together with any other word and think it is HILarious when they call Stella this)
Princess Silky Sheets
(Because she sleeps on a silky blanket, rumor has it that babies get less
of a bald spot if they sleep on silk, we will let you know how this goes)
(It started out as Pumpkin, because Jackson said she was
born in October when all the pumpkins are here, but has evolved, as many nicknames do :)
Other things about Stella.
She is so dang cute.
We all adore her.
She is Super Smiley
The MOST mellow go with the flow baby.
Loves riding in the baby bjiorn.
(good thing too with how on the go we have to be)
Likes to sleep next to me in bed
Loves to be swaddled.
Loves her Pacifier.
(as do I)
Still growing...not sure her stats, but she looks good. :)
Has her brothers wrapped around her little finger.
(Anytime I need something done for Stella, wet wipes, diapers, blankets, throwing something away, if I say it is for Stella they jump right up and help.)
She is darling and looks just like her momma!
Dear Lala,
I like your cute pants and your cute face. I can't wait to see you soon so we can do fun things like play with rattles and compare pacifiers. It'll be great.
Love, Lulu
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