Sunday, March 11, 2012

Happy 4 Months Stellie!
February 15, 2012

Stella switched to formula 
I was starting to lose my milk and had decided I was just not going to stress when it happened this time and would just let it happen.  I started supplimenting with formula here and there, but about that time she stopped sleeping so good and got a cold.  I was always unsure when she was crying what was really wrong etc.  So I just went to all formula.  

Not sleeping as amazing as she once was.  She goes through sleeping jags and will wake up at 3:00am or 3:30 am almost every night for a week or so and then will just be good and not do it for a few nights.  Not sure what the issue is, but I also can't complain too much since she has been such a great sleeper up to this point.  Stella does sleep in her crib all night (not next to me in bed anymore).

I bought my first pack of diapers a few days ago.  Crazy huh?  We have such generous friends!  Thank you everyone!

Stella rolled over from front to back on February 3, 2012. She had been so close for a few weeks, but we went over to our friends (the Potes) apartment and I laid her down on a blanket and she immediatly rolled over.  I thought maybe I had just laid her down funny and given her the momentum she needed to do it, so I rolled her back over and she did it again and again (about 5-6 times).  Kris and her kids were so excited to see Stella roll over.  

Stella started laughing.  It is so cute to listen to her laugh.  The boys are the only ones who seem to get her to laugh at them and silly things they do.  I have to tickle her.

Bennett and Stella take naps together everyday.  Bennett in the crib in our bedroom and Stella laying on our bed.  

Stella loves just laying on a blanket in the middle of our floor, while life is going on around her.  I have never seen such a content baby.  Love her.

The boys still love her.

She is losing all her hair.  Poor thing.


1 comment:

Brittney said...

Ahh! She's SO CUTE! I can hardly wait to see her. In the 4th picture down, I feel like she looks just like Bennett. And I can't believe you have not had to buy diapers yet, lucky!