Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Mean Eyes
February 5, 2012

I sat Bennett down at the kitchen table to eat lunch and walked away to help Stella with something.  When I came back over he said, "Why are those mean eyes staring at me? Those mean eyes are always staring at me."  I traced his gaze into the kitchen and tried to figure out what he was looking at that looked like "mean eyes".  It wasn't until I lifted him out of his booster seat and had him show me in the kitchen where the "mean eyes" were at that I spotted them.  Can you see them?

If you look closely at the cupboard door you will see two sets of "mean eyes" or "owl eyes" as Jackson calls them.  Apparently Jackson had noticed them before too and when I pointed them out to him he said, "Oh, you mean the owl eyes? Yeah, I've seen those a million times before." ha.

I guess I was the only one who hadn't noticed them yet.  :)  


Brittney said...

Hahaha! Funny kids. I can totally picture Jackson all non-chalant, "oh yeah..." like, duh, mom. :)

Amy said...

So funny how observant kids are compared to us...

Unknown said...

That really is kind of creepy. Too funny. :)