Bennett's 3rd Birthday Party
March 17, 2012
Bennett had a fun Monster party this year. It was a crazy morning with a down pour of rain (a huge down pour of rain). I was dying thinking of how I would get everything down to our Community Center in the rain. Luckily, we had plenty of garbage bags and foil to keep things pretty dry, but it was scary getting everything down there. Jonathan and Rachael showed up in time to make my life a lot easier. Marc and Jonathan were drenched by the time they made several trips between our apartment and the Community Center.
The party itself went off without a hitch. We played Monster games...Monster, Monster, Rrrrr, Pin the Belly Button on the Monster, and Monster Bean Bag Toss. The kids decorated monster masks, broke a pinata (thanks Nova for being our final hitter), and ate hot dogs.
Bennett opened presents from all of his friends...thanks to everyone! so so generous. It was a fun party!
Rain, Rain, and more Rain...
Stella and Lynnlee getting in some pre-party hang out time
Setting up for the party
Bennett wearing his decorated monster mask and monster feet
The Monster Cake and Cupcakes (my favorite were the little mini monster cupcakes)
Jackson decorating his Monster Mask
Lynnlee with her Monster Mask
Jackson wearing his Mask
Party People
Pin the Belly Button on the Monster
Monster, Monster, Rrrrr
Our Pinch hitter (Nova)
Blowing out candles
Eating Lunch
Opening Presents
Fun Par-TAY!
This is seriously quite the party! I'm so impressed. Looks like all the kids had tons of fun!
What a fun party! You always go all out! LUCKY KIDS!
That was a really fun party! I'm glad we could come
So much fun, you always do such cute parties, thanks for having us!
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