Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Spring Break

Spring Break in Utah
March 30-April 6, 2012

Jackson had his spring break the week after Marc's Spring Break.  It was too bad they didn't line up, but not wanting to just sit around for the week I packed all the kids and Rachael and Lynnlee in the car with me and we headed to Utah.  It was such a relaxing break from reality.  

On my birthday we visited Marc's Parents.  I didn't take any pictures, so I am just going to write about it right here.  :)  Marc's Mom took me out to Cafe Rio (always a Delicious treat), Marc's Dad was busy, but he met up with us back at their home where we had cake and the kids got to look around the garden, play in the basement, and look in the trailer.  Which they loved.

Conference Sunday
Playing with the Bottles while Grandma got ready.  He made King Benjamin's Tower and put bottles all around listening below.  

Monday Morning: Playing in the backyard

The Best Day of Jackson's life.
My parents are cleaning out their basement and trying to get rid of things and Jackson couldn't have been happier.  He was in charge of unstuffing some old Halloween costumes (by the time he was done he looked like the picture below).  My dad also let him take a bat to a little (already) broken wicker chair (he completely flattened it.  He also got to destroy a bunch of old cd's.  He collected a major group of treasures to bring home with him and he was grinning from ear to ear all day.  He said several times, "This is the Best Day Ever!"

Playtime with Grandma and Grandpa

It snowed one morning and the kids were in heaven.  They kept asking when it was going to snow and i kept telling them it wasn't going to.  o when it did snow Jackson said,"See!  I told you it would snow!"

City Creek Mall--This New Mall is awesome.
Me with the kids.

The girls

Eating Lunch at City Creek Mall

Stella got her ears pierced.  


 Right After.

About 30 seconds later.

Grease and Go
The boys went with my Dad down to the Grease and Go one morning.  They got to help in the car, go in the pit, and get some candy.  On their way home they stopped and washed the car.  They loved it!


Unknown said...

Do u guys have connections with grease n' go? That is our favorite place to do our emissions/oil changes. Glad u had such a fun time with your family. Your kids are as darling as ever and I love stellas pierced ears. I'm still nby brave enough to do it to Chloe. Especially after Peyton getting them done 3 x ;)

Brittney said...

That looks like so much fun! Funny that it actually snowed. Stellala's ear piercing pics are about identical to Lulu's. And I love her squishy legs. Now, I'm ready for you to move out east so spring breaks can be spent with us!!! :) Selfish, I know.

Amy said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun in Utah! I love Stella's earings! So cute!