Monday, November 19, 2012

Paynes Prairie--la chua trail
July 13, 2012

We were kind of dying to see the alligators since we had arrived and decided we had waited long enough. ha.  We headed out to Paynes Prairie to see the alligators, in the swampy marshes close to our house. As a side note I am a little obsessed with the Spanish moss here.  It is just like you see or hear about in books and movies, but I never have seen it first hand.

The trail it becomes a boardwalk as you get going, which made me feel like we were extremely safe, but all of the sudden the boardwalk ends and just dumps you into the prairie and says enter at your own risk.  But at this point we hadn't seen any alligators and we had promised the kids alligators.  We proceeded cautiously as we didn't know when we might just have one crawl out of the bushes all around us.  We saw several alligators, but down the edge of a little landing we were standing up on.  I felt safe, but they definitely were, just right there.  Crazy!

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