Jackson Playing with the Cat...
Jackson rarely plays with the cat partly because I hate all the germs, dirt, and hair that he is getting from it. But also after he does play with it I have to change his clothes, wash his hands etc. So it takes a little effort. However, Jackson loves the cat and squeals whenever he sees it. The cat sits at our backdoor and Jackson sits on the otherside of the door and looks through the window at him. It is really cute how excited he will get. Here is a video of him actually playing with it the other night....watch for the surprise ending! :)
Love the spit-up Jackson--I was shocked! You are very brave to let Jackson play with the kitty! I still feel the need to disinfect Tyler after touching cats and dogs...however, I have settled for a good washing of the hands. (If I disinfect after touching animals, I might as well do the same every time he goes outside because he is always touching something yucky.) It's hard to let loose, but I am very proud of you!
P.S. Susie didn't spit up once during the entire weekend...burp cloths were used only to wipe her runny nose!
haha..i loved the surprise ending. and marc, as for your little comment there. playing in the dirt is one thing, but, I guess i've never been a huge fan of animals either, but they seem VERY dirty to me and can understand where both michelle and amy are coming from. sorry man!
That was just lovely. Jackson is just a little chunk now isn't he? I wish you gus lived close by so we could see that little guy in person more often.
Michelle that is so funny! Funniest home video material. The ending was so remeniscient of JT as a baby as he spit up alllllll the time.
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