LoOK WhO's LoOkIn'...
I've been using a google sitemeter that shows who has come on and off my blog for the last several months. I had forgotten about it for a while, but just looked at it again a few days ago. I may have found a new obsession. I wish you could view mine to see how awesome it really is, but you will have to take my word for it (because it displays too much personal info and I can't figure out how to link it without).
Anyway, it shows all the activity on your blog...ie. this last monday I had 112 people view my blog! And in the past I have had people view my blog from China, India, Pakistan...all over the USA! It is crazy to see all the people that are looking and how long they look etc. I think you might have fun with this so I am putting a link to it here...
(P.S. It's FREE)
...just since I made this post this morning I have had two people from Beijing (China), one person from Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), one from Valkenswaard (Germany...or something), and two from Madrid (Spain)...plus countless others here in the states look at my blog....CRAZY!
This is pretty cool Michelle. I had no idea that we were so popular. I guess your fame precedes you. Keep up the good work on this blog I love checking it out from work every day.
michelle, i just actually started mine today. i am already obsessed! very cool
So that is pretty cool. I had no idea I could do that. But on the same side...its kind of scary! I try to not put too much personal info on these things since who knows who is looking...not to scare you but be careful!!
Hey I have a question. How the heck do you sign up for the thing anyways? I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to computers but I don't know where to place that code in my blog...could you comment on my page sometime and let me know? Thanks!
Gosh- sounds a little creepy! Why in the world are people from china and india viewing your blog! I guess i assumed only family and friends would view my blog. I dont' know if i like the idea of anyone looking at it. Weird!!! Obviously anyone has access to it but doesn't that seem a little strange to have strangers looking at what you are doing?!?! I guess that's the price you pay for being so cute!! Ha! oh and i love the cat pictures. I don't know why but I keep thinking someday you might see jackson cough up a fur ball!!! Ha! Ha!
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