Wednesday, July 18, 2007're IT!

Okay, so Alisa tagged me and I guess the rules are a little different than normal tag and apparently I now get to inform you about myself. I am suppose to list 7 facts about myself; funny, random, silly, whatever. Then I will choose 7 new people to tag. This list may be boring, but you had better read to the never know if you'll be tagged next!

1. One thing I am especially appreciative of is 7:30 pm. It had a whole new meaning after Jackson was born. I remember as a kid being sent to bed at 7:30 and feeling like all the other kids were still out playing and I wanted to be out there too. I never understood why, we didn't get to stay up as late as our neighbor friends. All, I have to say now...their parents were crazy! While I love my time with Jackson during the day, I do look forward to eventually having some time to myself in the evening. (funny how becoming a parent brings perspective)

2. I love, love, love the sound of crunching leaves under my feet in the fall! It might just be an obsession. I loved BYU campus in the fall, because of this. I felt like the walkways were always covered with leaves. I may have looked silly at times as I tried to discreetly quicken or widen my step to crunch a leaf in my path, but the sound was always worth it. Plus, with fall leaves always comes BYU football season!

3. Okay, so Marc tells me that this should be a deep dark secret, but I am not here to hide this...I LOVE DISNEY CHANNEL! I know, I'm 23 and these shows are made for teenie-boppers, but I still love them. I am completely looking forward to High School Musical 2 coming out on August 17th. And, I made Rachael copy Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus's new CD the day it came out. I'll admit they can be completely cheesy, but they're fun shows, what can I say?!

(one of my cards)
4. Two of my dreams are to eventually become a photographer and design awesome cards. I love doodling and have been asked by several family members to make thank you cards or other blank cards(check out my NEW BLOG, for my cards...GrassStains). I love drawing...not real life, cartoon type things. As for the photography dream..well, I need my Cannon 30D before that one can ever come true...but hey, maybe one day right?!

5. I love to travel. I was lucky enough to attend a study abroad in Spain one summer and have gone to London with my family. I've seen the Eiffel Tower and loved our Aruba honeymoon. All of my growing up years my family has gone on fun trips, whether it was camping at Lake Tahoe, visiting Temple Square (when we didn't live in Utah) or taking a three week drive across the country to see all the Church History and many of the US history sites. I love seeing new things and especially learning new things.

6. I love all the fun gadgets they have out for kids these days! They have some of the most fun looking convince foods, some of the coolest toys, and high chairs, car seats, you name it...its fun! We have loved getting Jackson a few of the items.

7. Okay, so this one is a little involved I LOVE FAMILY! I'll start with our great cousins! We have had so much fun over the years and spent a ton of time together. I have always loved family reunions, seeing a cousin "on campus" or living with a cousin. How awesome is it that we always have such a huge group of cousins at BYU to play with...dinners, intramural sports, BYU sports events, group dating, etc.
I am also so grateful for my brothers and sister and parents. I am excited to see everyone in less than a week! We have so much fun together and I love the conversations and love that is felt. They are such a great support group! Amy has called me several times, just because she knows that everyone is out of town and Marc is working and I am probably's those things that really count.
I am also excited about the family that Marc and I have started. We love Jackson and have grown closer together throughout of two years of marriage. I am thankful for the support and love that he offers me. WE HAVE THE COOLEST FAMILY!

So now comes the time that I tag someone are the seven people I choose, if I don't choose you (PLEASE don't be sad, nothing personal...just a lot of friends and family)....
Amy M., Sarah C., Melissa W., Cortney, Erin, Lindsay G., Marci, and Jessica.


Lindsay said...

I love learning more about you! So, my dream is also to do photography! I've been forever begging Matt for a nice camera--they are just so expensive!
Anyways, we need to get together sometime. I really want to see you!

Cortney said...

I'm glad you are a fellow Canon lover...ha! Ha! What a fun blog--it was great to read! And I think you should TOTALLY do the card thing...I remember your awesome people that you draw, I think I even have a card you made me in college :) I loved what you said about BYU and the leaves--I could picture the whole scene in my head! And I am right there with you on the 7:30 bedtime--it's wonderful!
Much love and thoughts to you!