Friday, February 03, 2012

Bennett and Stella.
January 2012

These two are the funniest.  Bennett is obsessed with Stella (...well, who isn't. ha!).  He loves to have his picture taken with her.  Poor Stella is balding and well, needs a headband at all times, as you can see here, but we still love her bald-i-ness! :)  

Some of the quotes from Bennett the last few weeks.

Bennett LOv-es to "talk" for Stella.  I will say something to Stella, not even thinking Bennett is listening and the next second he starts responding for her.   I get some great responses from "Stella" all the time. Oh, and we know when he is talking for Stella, because he uses a really high pitch voice. 

Some of my favorite comments:

Me: "Stella are you hungry?" 
Stella (Bennett): "Yes Mom, but can I have tacos this time?"

Me: "Stella, you are such a good girl."
Stella (Bennett): "I know Mom, I know."

Me: (I kinda sorta, half dropped Stella in her carseat a little faster/harder) "Oh Stella I am so sorry!"
Stella (Bennett): "What the heck mom?! That's not comfortable."

Bennett is Potty Training.  ....finally.  He loves Curious George, so I made him a curious George Potty Chart and once he gets all the way around he gets the game he is sitting on.  

Bennett loves to have Stella lay with him in his nap.  Yes, he still naps in the crib, but yes, he still naps (need I really say anymore?).  Anyway, while I sing songs to him before his nap I let her lay by him.  She actually really snuggles up to him and he usually puts his arm around her.  They have so much fun together.  

Other funny Bennett comments...

Driving home from Costco we go out of our way to go down an amazing hill that makes the boys stomachs drop.  When we went down this time Bennett said, "That makes my heart dizzy!"  (Jan, 25, 2012) 

Bennett came out of his room dressed like a cowboy and said, "I am a cowboy.  Lady, where is my horse?" (Jan. 28, 2012)


Patty said...

Is it really that long we left LA?!! You got a beautiful baby girl and i wasn't there to bring you a dinner! And look at these boys, they are so grownups and handsome. I figured that I don't check my Californian girlfriends blogs very often because I really miss you guys soooo very much!! I always cry watching whatever and whoever post is about... I love being here but sometimes I really want to be there around so many good friends and examples!! Congratulations for your beautiful Stella!! Hugs and kisses to all. Love you

Amy said...

Bennett is soooo cute! This post made me miss him a lot! I especially love his answers for Stella. The only about eating tacos was great! She's going to have those boys wrapped around her little finger!

Brittney said...

So did you give Stella tacos? :) haha. Funny Bennett! I love the pics of him and Lala snuggling in the crib together.

Lyssa Beth said...

Little stella is adorable!! Congrats! I am embarrassed to say it's been a while since visiting your blog! How is juggling 3 kiddos? You seem to be doing great and you LOOK amazing!!

The Burnetts said...

How is is possible that I haven't even seen you since before you had Stella!!! your kids are too dang cute! Luke keeps talking about Jackson (the one with Bennett :). We should get together soon!