Friday, March 09, 2012

Happy Valentines Day
February 13-14, 2012 

Bennett's school had a fun Valentines party the day before valentines day.  Jackson and Bennett helped me make the gumball necklaces again this year.  They turned out really cute again this year.  It was a lot of fun! Jackson said he loved passing them out to his friends.  

On Valentines day, I took Bennett and Stella to target during the day and right when we got to Target Stella had a major blowout!  All up her back and down her legs.  I quickly cleaned her up and we headed into Target.  Of course I got all kinds of comments about my baby being freezing, but seriously, what was I supposed to do?  I was at the store and needed a few necessities, so I just went for it.  I strapped her in the Bjiorn and was able to leave her shirt on.  Sheesh people.  We weren't in the store that long and it wasn't freezing cold temps---we are in sunny southern California after all.  

We had a valentines day dinner (just me and the kids--Marc had to stay at school until late)--Heart Shaped Pasta, Pink Sauce, heart shaped toast, and heart shaped cookies for dessert.    

My valentine brought me home a bunch of tulips!  Thank you Valentine.  I love you.


melimba said...

okay, I've been saving your posts on my google reader b.c I knew I'd want to comment on them... so I finally got the chance to read them and loved being caught up on those darling kiddos of yours!!

It's crazy how much they look like you AND Marc. It's crazy, b/c I see SO much of you in all of them, but Marc too! (duh!) But, I'll totally stand by what I used to tell you, Jackson and now Stella, totally have SO many of your facial features, and Bennett looks like a mini Marc. So amazing how that works!!

Thanks for the well wishes on our #3! I was thinking about it and our family of three will be the reverse order of yours. Boy, boy, girl---us girl, boy, boy. :) We're both cool like that! And, you know I'm gonna need advice in a major way when we make the transition. I'm a little petrified. I'm planning now that I won't leave the house for 6 months after he is born. Can't put my expectations too high. :) I've been hit with reality twice before!

We need to catch up in real life. You are moving in a minute to FLORIDA! Right?! Are you stopping off in Utah for a bit before you make the huge trek? When do you go? We'll be in Utah for a bit this summer for sure and I'd LOVE to see you LIVE!

I probably should have just sent you a real email, but it is kind of fun to see comments on the 'ol blog, right? Right. Agreed.

Lots of love to you guys!

Amy said...

Stella looks so cute in all your pictures! Even without hair. :)