Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dr. Seuss Week
First Week in March

The week leading up to Dr. Seuss' Birthday, Jackson's school, celebrates with fun festivities.  Everyday they dress up like something that relates to a Dr. Seuss book. The first day was Green Eggs and Ham and they were supposed the wear something green.  Jackson literally wore green from head to toe!  It was hilarious.  Especialy considering last year he was very hesitant to be apart of any of this dressing up stuff.  He was so excited this year.  I felt bad but the first day of green I forgot to get a picture, I will see if I can get him to recreate it for me.  :)

The Second day was Fox in Socks Day....wear a crazy pair of socks.  As you can see, Jackson wore three pairs of socks on each foot/leg and thought that Marc's big tall sock was "the coolest" because it went up under his shorts.  HA!  and of course Bennett was not be left out of any of this. 

The third day was Wacky Wednesday, wear wacky clothes (can we all just remember that Jackson literally picked out these outfits from head to toe and was so excited to wear them to school)

PS We missed the last two days of wackiness since we drove up to Utah the first weekend of March with Nancy, Jared and their two girls.  We left Marc at home and had a fun short weekend in Utah.


Brittney said...

I can hear Jackson in my head saying some of those things, and I love how Bennett had to dress up too! haha.

Amy said...

Love the outfits! Jackson's getting much braver! Still not sure Tyler would be willing to dress up! :)

Rachael said...

That is such a fun thing! Wish I could see the green outfit. I like the wacky one a lot